
Our Objectives
  1. The main objective of SOSAA is to provide an academic platform for archaeological/anthropological research, counseling in the field of archaeology and intervention programmes in the country and outside for research scholars and upcoming young scholars within the country as well as from abroad by organizing seminar, conference, symposium, workshop, etc. on South Asian Archaeology or related topics.

  2. Initiate collaborative short and long term research activities/programmes in archaeology, art, architecture, anthropology, various branches of history, etc. between different institutions and departments within India and between various countries of South Asia.

  3. Organize mobile exhibitions and popular talks by eminent scholars in different parts of the country to give glimpses of the Cultural Heritage of South Asia and also to create awareness and interest amongst people and students in the cultural heritage of South Asia.  Educate them to help preserve this valuable cultural wealth. To achieve this objective work in close co-operation with other organizations for the preservation of the Cultural Heritage of India.

  4. Organize guided tours to places of archaeological, anthropological, historical and religious importance. Also organize cultural festivals and short-term workshops on various aspects of archaeology.

  5. Publish an annual journal of South Asian Archaeology, which should incorporate current research carried out in this part of the world.